Tuesday, January 22, 2008

March for Life 2008

We were able to take some of our church youth to the March for Life in Washington DC this year. We shared the experience with Penn View's civics class. We rode in the Penn View coach to the event. It was a great experience for our youth. There were thousands of people there to protest abortion. We heard many speakers including Ron Paul, Sam Brownback, and the brother of Terri Schiavo. This is a great opportunity to see that the pro-life movement is strong and passionate about defending life. It was very empowering to be there!!!



nice dedicated blog

Springer Family said...

Looks like you had lots of fun & for a good reason!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Came across your blog and had to ask - is it religion or personal belief that makes you crusade against a woman's right to choose to end an unwanted pregnancy?

Aaron said...

Great posts. Thanks for the pics from the March For Life. Wish I could have been there. May God forgive our nation for the horrible atrocity of abortion. What about the child's right to choose? I believe in a woman's right to choose but that choice is made before conception.

Anonymous said...
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Brenda said...
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Brenda said...

Response to Rick Sparks- It is very interesting that many people try to make the abortion issue about choice. It is about life. The basis for my belief in defending an unborn baby is the fact that each and every human has a "right" to live. I believe it is morally wrong to kill an innocent person and this includes those inside and outside the womb.

I know many would try to say that an embryo is not a human. These same people would agree that it is wrong to kill a newborn baby. There are only four differences between a newborn baby and an embryo.

1.Size-Are smaller people less human than big people?

2. Environment-Does your environment change what you are?

3.Level of development-Infants are not as developed as adults so are they not human?

4.Degree of self-suffiency-Are babies less human because they cannot survive on their own? What about old people when they need 24 hour care. Are they less human? Should we have the right to kill them when they are no longer self-sufient?

All one has to do is study and they will realize that an embryo is not just a piece of tissue to be thrown away. It is the early stages of a human. If it is not a human then when does it become one? We believe that all life is sacred and all humans have the right to live and enjoy life as we do today. Thanks for the comment.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that you use the term "human" when describing an embryo. As far as I'm concerned, a fetus is not considered human until it can survive (whether by science or otherwise) outside of its host. Size really has nothing to do with it. Until the zygote grows to become a creature that can live outside a womb, it is just a parasite. Sure, it's usually a wanted parasite, but I have yet to encounter one person who could argue successfully that an unwanted child is a smart thing to bring into the world.

I doubt you believe *all* life is sacred - if that were really true, you wouldn't eat! It's obivous that you mean all human life, but again - when the egg/sperm combination becomes human is the crux of the issue. What's your angle, and how do you feel after the morning-after pill?

We're not talking about killing the elderly. That's quite a juxtaposition you're posing; it's also not applicable to the topic.

Brenda said...

Response to Rick Sparks-
First you make the argument that an embryo is not a human because of its inability to survive on its own. A newborn baby cannot survive on its own so according to your logic, a newborn is not a human. So what you are saying is that only adults are human. This goes back to the fact that the only differnce between an embryo and an newborn is stage of development.
In reference to you calling an embryo a parasite, I must say that you could call it a parasite since it lives off the host mother. However,if you call it a parasite, then you cannot use the argument that it is part of the mother's body. A parasite is defined as "An organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host." Since the parasite is not part of the mother then one must ask what is the parasite. It is the beginning of another human with a separate DNA code. So you can call an embryo a parasite however, you cannot deny that it is a human parasite.
In regards to your argument that it is not smart to bring an "unwanted child" into the world, I must ask you one question. Does one human's right to live depend on whether some other human "wants" them? It would be great if we could make all chilren wanted but this is not the a reality in our world. So if a child is not wanted, then the most loving thing to do is kill that child? What about adults when they are no longer wanted, should they be killed? We all agree that every child should be wanted but we do not have the "right" to kill them. If the parents do not want the child there are other couples that would love to adopt that child.
Also, yes I was refering to all human life being sacred. I was talking in reference to humans both born and unborn. And yes I am opposed to the morning after pill if it kills or hinders the fertilized egg. The only form of birth control that I believe is right are the types that prevent conception.
Finally I did not state that we are talking about killing the elderly. I just was illustrating how it is absurd to believe that one is to be denied the right to live since they are not self sufficient. Once you begin to minimize any human life, then it will usually lead to minimizing all human life. Thanks for the response. Brent

Anonymous said...

Dear Brent - Regardless of what your faith says, you have no right to tell other people what they can and cannot do with regard to their pregnancy - unwanted or otherwise. Your "Bible" may justify your actions, but morally you are on very shaky ground.